A lot of the buffeting is due to windshield height. You're right that a shorter rider poetically didn't have the issues because the height the the wind up over his head. A taller sheld may make a big difference.
It will if the screen is replaced with a taller version. I had a terrible problem with my Harley Ultra Classic Electra Glide when I bought it the buffeting was killing me and it was a real uncomfortable ride untill I replaced the screen with one 3 inches taller and wallah no buffeting at all...
I have been riding my Rocket for 12 years and 11 of them with the Corbin Fairing. The short screens do make a lot of buffeting. There are 2 ways to stop it.
1) Cut rectangular holes in the current shield down near the base just above the painted mount. Try 1.5" high by 6" wide. Be sure to radius the corners.
2) Buy a taller windshield from Long Ride Shields. Get a ReCurve Flat Top or Flat Top Elite. They are for Harley Electra Glide / Ultras.
I have it on mine. I went with the 9" since I am short. Works great for me.
I have that fairing. I got longer bolts for the top mounts and stood the fairing up. Got a V-stream 15" windscreen for it. It's a Harley-type mount. It drives the vortex back. I added chrome eyebrows over the headlights to keep air out of the interior of the fairing. I got from ebay the fairing extensions and hot-glued them on (black gluesticks). Plastic, inexpensive. I re-purpurposed a pair of handguards and mounted them to the forks below the fairing. I'm 6'. Wind goes over, around, but not in my face. I think the wind stream from the shield scavenges air or doesn't bring it up because I don't feel heat.
As you can see I also have a Corbin fairing, not sure if the lowers that came on my bike make any difference. I don't have a buffeting issue, but I did notice a change last year when I replaced my windshield and got a slightly shorter one. I will be switching back to the original height windshield and expect to continue to ride without or worse case with minimal buffeting.