Is this group alive? Need S. Florida info

@WyldCFH If at all possible, conduct a recon of the area before you move. Spend a day or two just driving around and talking with the police to get their feel of the area. Oh yeah, take lots of mosquito repellant!
@WyldCFH If at all possible, conduct a recon of the area before you move. Spend a day or two just driving around and talking with the police to get their feel of the area. Oh yeah, take lots of mosquito repellant!

I will be there a few times in February and March to setup our servers and networks at the new corporate headquarters. @Old N' Grumpy has graciously offered to spend a bit of time showing me some neighborhoods if he is free while I am there. Which I plan to take advantage of when I know more details.

You can get desperate fixer uppers pretty cheap most anywhere maybe not free, but cheap......just an idea.

This may be the way I go, we have blown through our savings paying off college loans and other debt. May have to go with something in the 200k-250k range for a couple years, then flip and buy something better.

Thanks for all the input so far