is there an after market cruise control

Agreed, but here in the states if you are going to super slab it for 100 miles or more cc is the way to go!
MC Cruise is on my bucket list for winter...but alas, I have an Intruder to maintain, and a Sportster to continue upgrading to give to my nephew.
Dude, let me know if you'd like a helper on that McCruise. Having fitted it to my bike, we could do it in a weekend. If you haven't ordered the kit yet, yours will be an improvement over mine, as he now supplies all kits with the electric servo vs. the vacuum servo.
Agreed, but here in the states if you are going to super slab it for 100 miles or more cc is the way to go!
Don't get me wrong - on an open road with no traffic - fine. But teh cc I have had on cars I ended up hardly using.

I have not ordered's too much dosh to part with until I get my bonus end of February. Somehow too, I will be a needing 21 inch wide glide wheel, all the brake rigging and a springer fork! Oh, and a solo seat. At least my Intruder will need only minor ministrations as I should have it ship shape once that new rear rotor shows up from deepest darkest China. I wonder if I have any business tending three bikes!!!
I have been converted by driving German cars -- string of BMWs, VWs (no Audis), all of which were equipped with full-time (always on) cruise control. My father got me doing it -- I use the cruise control all the time, and as the electronics might do in a self-driving car, I just nudge it a little up and down to deal with traffic, sense rarely is there open road with no traffic at all around here. I still find it highly useful, and I use it the same way on the Rocket.
@barbagris...thanks for the post on the Atlas...perfect timing too! I had just finished reading up on the other three it is compared too! I’m gonna spring for one.

Normally I go top shelf and would buy a McCruise but this case is different. I don’t go on long trips (at least not yet). Where I do ride there are long, straight country roads. I figure for now a compromise, and if things change, then a McCruise which a gentlemen residing in VA. offered some time ago his expert installation assistance!
I installed a Dana (now Rostra) on a Jeep once, and it was fairly straightforward. With an electrical servo, that saves finding a suitable vacuum source. And I guess I just need to tap into a signal that varies proportionately with engine or road speed, and I reckon the MCcruise people will tell which sensor would be best to tap. The rest is just a matter of getting good power and mounting the bits where they best go. Hooking up the throttle pull cable might be fiddly as the throttle bellcrank is hard by the coolant bottle. But where there is a will there is always a way.
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MC Cruise is essentially Plug and Play, there is a minimum of wiring disruption. What I did have to do though, when I put @DEcosse keyless ignition on was put an inline Diode in the Clutch switch wire. @DEcosse gave really simple instructions and the diode only cost .70c at a local electronics store. This was to stop backward activation of CC and keyless circuits. I live about 8km from work and I still use cruise control every morning. When I pull out on the highway, I immediately plug in 100kph until my right hand loosens up (arthritis). I have a lot of mates who have given up riding because of hand and wrist pain. MC Cruise has extended my ability to keep on doing distances. I have used palm pads and throttle locks and found them all wanting. Essentially you have to keep adjusting speed according to terrain but with electronic CC it does the job for you. Expensive? yes .... but what cost are you prepared to pay for comfort. I love waving to the HD set with my right hand, going up hill, knowing full well that they can't take any hand off their bars (handlebars that is). I'm a Nurse by profession and my knowledge of electronics is rudimentary ..... but just take installation slowly and the feeling of satisfaction in a job well done is only one of the rewards.
Oh, and Electronic CC pays for itself ..... I haven't had a ticket since installation.