Is there a simple horn option?


.040 Over
Aug 8, 2008
Jacksonville FL
Guys, is there an electric horn, louder than the stock one, that can be mounted in the same place using the factory wiring? (no modification, simple and easy, R3T)

Had a women enter my lane while talking on her cell phone. I pressed the horn button.... it's about as loud as blowing my nose. Had to hit the brakes and reach for the pistol.
Nate, I don't know what else you could do except find a car horn and install it there. The only other advice I can offer is do what I did, (and I'm no mechenical genius) spend about $50. and buy a stebel. It's plenty loud and an easy mount. In fact I mounted it right where to weeney horn use to be. Of course it broke that cheap bracket after 1 rideing season and I've since made other mods, but its still in the same place.. good luck, I think I've got pictures posted if you care to check it out. By the way, the pics are BEFORE it broke the weeney mount. I'll try to post the latest mods today after our 1st RAT PACK RIDE. btw, a good stebel horn is the best safety device for the money IMHO. good luck.
Triumph needs to address this as a legitimate safety issue. Their stock horn is pathetic.

I assume that the R3T horn is exactly the same as the R3. POS. I've tried the replacement horn found on and it is louder but not by much.

I would recommend, as will many others on this board, to get a Stebel Nautilus. You can find them for about $40-$50 on the net. On the non-California R3, you can mount it under the left side cover. There is a good thread on here describing the process.

I had a similar situation not long after I mounting it where a chick talking on her cell phone started moving into my lane. Hit the Stebel and she dropped the cell, practically hit her head on the roof of her car, probably messed in her pants. But she didn't come any further into my lane. Works like a charm.
Weenie OEM horns are the norm. The horn on the KLR is so loud, the intake noise is louder........and the horn on the Bonnie, well, the R3 is louder.

Get a Stebel or Stibel of whatever they are called or one of those Wolo's that JC Whitney sells.
The "Magnum" horn on Rivco's catalogue is loud enough. It fits under the Rocket's (the std one at least) left-hand side panel and installation only takes 15'. I have imported about 20 horns for my Rocket owners club members in Switzerland and nearby France and they are all pleased with the product. Jamie
You think the Triumph horn is week? The one on my old Suzuki was so wimpy, "I" couldn't even hear it at highway speed. I got a set of Rivco air horns. No problem hearing them. They scared most people. I had one guy literally "levitate" about 6" off the ground once. (That was when I still had factory exhaust and you couldn't hear me coming). Funniest thing I ever saw! Soon as I get highway bars, the Rivcos are going on the R3T.
I had the Magnum horn from Rivco on my bike for one week, it was a wee bit louder than the stock horn but not by much. Went on line and got the stebel installed it under the left side cover and the sucker is loud. Do not waste your pennys on the magnum go straight for the big noise.