TuneECU is only
a few weeks old.
The developer and users are still finding and eliminating bugs on a daily basis. Once it is fully developed, you will likely see more functions and applications supporting it. Right now, the priority is making it work correctly and easily with all Triumph triple engines, not just the R3 models.
Also, remember it is freeware. Alain has given us a gift and continues to do so with his fantastic support. IMHO, there is only so much of his time and effort we can ask for at present.
Once it becomes fully stabilized, it should gain support from others able to write additional applications for it, as has been done for other tuning solutions.
If you look at the ECUeditor freeware for tuning 2002-present Suzuki Hayabusas and B-Kings, it has had a year and a half of development time, yet still does not have all of what you are asking. Even though it has a much larger user base. But it is still developing as well. It now controls quick/air-shifters, nitrous window switches, coil dwell, shift lights, multiple maps, and more. But it has taken time to develop to this point.
IMHO, TuneECU can be written to do much of what ECUeditor does. but we need to get it working correctly with all Triumph triple engines (R3, R3T, R3R, 1050 varients, 955 Daytona and Speed Triples, 675 varients, etc.). And then supply or convert a solid base of maps for each engine, and a knowledgebase of users and tuners. Plus, the Triumph twin riders are asking for support from TuneECU as well.
Right now, there are few shops and riders that even know about TuneECU, let alone use and support it. But this is growing rapidly for its very short development time of only a few weeks.
Give it some time.