Introduce myself,problems,bevel box leak

Hello and welcome....Where there's a will there's a way...Dealers do take the wee wee.
Yes, $1,000 for the Roadster- ask me how I know. Unfortunately, this is way above my abilities and tools, welding, etc. But excellent resource for whoever does have the ability.

I will pay the shipping and try to repair/replace seals
If we can build then should save as spare for a while then whatever u want to do with it is ok with me.
@Journeyman28778 I can feel your angst. That said, "a little help from my friends" makes the world SO much better.

I can totally understand needing something "now", but you shouldn't be dismissing a potential resolution to your dilemma just because you don't have the ability to do it solo.

There is a reason why my signature praises this group - I wouldn't have the Rocket at all were it not for the helpfulness I saw on the site when I was lurking in July 2014. And certainly my thread about changing out the cams is chock full of folks pitching in with helpful tips and encouragement.

Just sayin . . .