Introduce myself,problems,bevel box leak

Welcome also from Christchurch New Zealand......Thanx for the have a unique way of explaining things which i understand fully!...Enjoy the bike, the forum and the new friends you have now made...cheers Tal.
Welcome mate, i changed out the complete rear drive to fix my leak!
Welcome from Minden Nevada USA Captain. Someone with know how will be along shortly.
Lol, know how? I think he made that video on a non serviceable bevel box, pretty awesome, I’m a newbie surely I’m missing something?
I wasn't able to watch the video. I thought he was asking for help.
Not sure BigNorm I thought this guy took apart the bevel, replaced oil seal, put back together, i don’t think he was seeking help I thought he was showing off lol, impressive work I thought he did it, check out his video and tell me what you think
I are impressed.