
Feb 13, 2011
S Florida
2008 Rocket Touring, Vulcan 1500 Classic
Hello, I’m new to the forum and thought I had introduced myself previously but in ordering the geezer patch Skip had not heard of me. I’m from S Florida and purchased an 08 Rocket III Tourer in June of 2010. It had only 500 miles on it when purchased. I traveled to NC to make the purchase and ended up riding to New England, back to Del and then Home to FL. Since ownership I installed luggage rack, windscreen lock and have gone to the dark side with a 195/60/16 on the rear. Have about 600miles on the tire and am happy with the results so far with 32PSI. Also purchased the Dealertool software for checking engine codes and other minor tests.
As of now I have a little more than 10,000 miles on it and am getting prepared to do the famous valve adj/check.
I think the Rocket is a great bike and am very happy with the performance and tire setup at this time.
Well, that’s the intro, hope I didn’t put anyone to sleep and hope to get to know some folks on the forum…Mike
Welcome!! Lots of Florida captains...unfortunately I am not one of them!!! Enjoy the site lots of info........ oh and ordering the geezer patch is proof enough that you did introduce yourself earlier but we all forgot :D

Ok! I think i'm gonna like this forum...Let's see, which forum is this??
Welcome to the site Mike from Molino, FL and Afghanistan. Looks like you like to travel on the Rocket...for now I am envious.


116 dtg Dubai
117 dtg Home!
Welcome aboard Mike,
Glad to have you with us.
We're having a little gathering in May,
if you'd like to join us.
It's a hoot.
Good food, good rides, and good people.
look for the thread RAA6
take care, rides safe,
and the geezer patch is in the mail,
or will be as soon as the post office opens up.
Hey Mike, are you already a captain:eek:

I have been here for a year and im still a sargent:D:D