My apologies, all. Should have introduced myself before I started asking questions.
My name is Nick. I have owned one other Triumph, a Daytona sport bike, but that was years ago when I was younger and more spry. My dad had an old Bonneville back in "the day" too, so I suppose you can say I've liked Triumphs most of my life. I bought a 2005 Rocket III about 6 months ago and I love it. I have wanted an R3 for about 10-12 years now, ever since I saw the first prototype in a magazine. I'm not a crazy risk-taking kind of rider, I like to cruise by myself or with a couple other trusted riders. Don't get me wrong though, the amount of power and torque the R3 possesses is a welcome asset.
I also own an '03 HD Sportster 1200cc. I've never been one for fighting over loyalties for specific makes and models. I figure, you like what you like, and unless someone's paying me to be a spokesman for a specific brand... (yeah, right) I will continue to live by that philosophy. So in a nutshell, I am to the point now where I'm trying to get my R3 the way I want it. For my birthday this year I ordered a nice custom saddle from the good folks at Corbin in California so I should have that within the next couple weeks. Been reading a lot on fly screens versus other types of windshields so that's the next thing I want. Any suggestions, feel free to hit me up. Good to "meet" you all, even if it's only virtually.
Ride safe,
Ames, IA U.S. of A.