Morning all (well it is here), picked up my R3R 4 days ago and so far so good. About me and my bike, well bike first, 2012 Roadster in Blue Haze. Me, wrong side of 50, love my biking, rallies etc. don't mind riding in the rain (paint is waterproof). Live in country New South Wales, Australia. That's about it for now.
G'day mate and welcome. Wagga's not too far from here so hopefully we'll get to meet up at some stage. Check out the plans for the Aussie get together at Hervy Bay in September (contact is Big Marty). Some of the guys are also going to Nabiac over Easter.
Welcome to the site from Canada! This site is full of good advice and good people. You'll find your knowledge and love of the Rocket will grow the more time you spend on it!
I have never had the pleasure of a rabbit or a hare now if we want to talk about lovely warm sheep especially in the shearing season oh my I have to go and take a cold shower
Welcome to the site from Irvine, Kentucky I know you're going enjoy your rocket make many comments on the site we need somebody with a little cents two or three anyhow