Intermittent misfire and tickover up tic ?


.040 Over
Jun 6, 2020
Rocket3 classic 06
Hi guys me again think my 06 classic is showing its age I get one thing sorted and next week I get a new problem lol .... Ok so new issue is I have a random misfire then after she warms up the revs go from 1k tickover to 2.5. /3k I'm fairly sure it's electrical as when I hit the kill switch it will drop the revs back to normality (when riding) ive read most of the posts on this forum at this point but may have missed something, ive read through the post about the probs with the coils ect. What do you all think ? If I change up for the COPs will this fix it ???
need to spray/clean the throttle bodies springs real good
open the throttle cable wide open and ley it fly shut.
It's very common for the coils to be an issue and also the connection to the coils.
There is a very cheap upgrade to go to coil over packs for about $60 that fixes the issue.
Are you saying that if you touch the kill switch it goes away... Like just touching it or turning the bike off? I'm confused at that part.
The spark system is simple once it leaves the electronic controller. It uses coils from the 1980's style.
Misfire at idle and low speed is often due to the 2 low voltage (primary) wires being loose at each coil. Simply unplug them, give them a slight squeeze with some pliars and reinstal.

As to the engine idle increasing to 2500 rpms, that usually is related to a failing TPS sensor or stepper motor, sticking stepper motor or even a vacuum leak on the throttle bodies. Check this link out TPS and ISC stepper adjustment . Even though this info is not for a Rocket specifically, it works. The TPS starting voltage for the Rocket is .62 with the stepper giving you .72.
It's very common for the coils to be an issue and also the connection to the coils.
There is a very cheap upgrade to go to coil over packs for about $60 that fixes the issue.
Are you saying that if you touch the kill switch it goes away... Like just touching it or turning the bike off? I'm confused at that part.
The spark system is simple once it leaves the electronic controller. It uses coils from the 1980's style.
Yes mate if i turn it off and in again it idles at about 1k (back to normal) for a while but will eventually start over to rev again
Thanks again guys I'll work my way through all this stuff over the weekend all good advice and I like the sound of them COPs for 60 bucks 😉
Thanks again guys I'll work my way through all this stuff over the weekend all good advice and I like the sound of them COPs for 60 bucks 😉

soldered in the wired for the connections and deleted the old coils. turns out i had a different issue but this sure made her run a bit smoother across the board and is SUPPER easy to do and is an upgrade so not a parts cannon.
Hi guys me again think my 06 classic is showing its age I get one thing sorted and next week I get a new problem lol .... Ok so new issue is I have a random misfire then after she warms up the revs go from 1k tickover to 2.5. /3k I'm fairly sure it's electrical as when I hit the kill switch it will drop the revs back to normality (when riding) ive read most of the posts on this forum at this point but may have missed something, ive read through the post about the probs with the coils ect. What do you all think ? If I change up for the COPs will this fix it ???
Throttle Position Sensor comes to mind