Intermittent electrical issue

I just noticed the thread and as I started reading that connector block came straight to mind. Glad you got it sorted.
There was a new connector and wires in my update kit so I replaced the while lot while I was at it
Hey bud when you added the new ignition harness plug #T2501442 did you also ad the instrument harness plug #T12501443 mod out of the update kit ?
How does that even happen ?
How does that even happen ?

Looking at all the pic, it appears that connector had already been replaced at some time - the insulators should be all the way inside the shell when assembled correctly.
So it looks like someone had replaced the connector to begin with.
Incidentally the original connector would have been the older type on an '06, so it was definitely replaced at some point (and poorly executed - sorry to say!)
From the connector picture, this was definitely a cobble job. I'm surprised anything worked.