Interesting read, further down

Yeah, absolutely it's crazy, especially with their short wheelbase.
I always wondered why the did power wheelies in 4th and 5th, it all makes sense now
Well stop pi$$ing about and get one. A mere 1/4 mill for a used one. Get 2 - Call them "The Ghost" and "The Darkness".
Did you ever read the article about fun facts about top fuel dragsters. Some of the claims sound dubious, but the one that impressed me checks out with easy math:
If you had a moto gp bike, and were allowed to back up as far as you needed to get up to 200 mph by the starting line of a quarter mile drag strip, if the lights go green at the moment you cross the starting line, at 200 mph, remember, the dragster takes off from a standstill, it will pass you within 3 seconds and beat you in the quarter mile.
Now wise one, tell me how high I have be when going off that cliff in order to reach 300 mph before I die?
Approx 15 seconds to reach terminal 99% Velocity but with the current R3 and your shape, neither are ever going to reach 300 mph. Maybe 120 mph in 12 seconds or 1500 feet.
Somethings are just not possible for fat people.

Further minimization of drag by streamlining the body allows for speeds in the vicinity of 480 km/h (300 mph).

But dig those Musketeer ears out of the closet and you may even live.

Top fuel dragsters are just insane..close to 500km/h in under 4 seconds
Throw in one corner though.....
I love watching MotoGP, and am subscribed to their races. Love watching them leave tire marks on the pavement, while at a 60 degree angle, going around a corner. Takes very large gonads for sure. However, when you think about all the electronics involved, to me, it takes a little bit away from the "wow". If you watch closely, there's not a lot of playing with the throttle. They more or less twist it wide open through corners, and let the electronics control the wheel spin, and traction. Lean angle tells the electronics just how much juice to input, so on and so forth. But I still like watching, and it does take guts for sure.