
I hope so. Don't want to start on a wrong foot
The only time we would look at you weird, is if you show up on a big bike and you have no experience, or a little on a 250cc. You have the big bike, but you have the experience to back it up as well.
Unlike 2 students I once had who showed up on the first day of riding class on Honda VTX 1800 sports, with next to no prior experience, acting like big hot shots, thinking they knew everything, they would go through the exercises, with a yea whatever, I can do this, I'm great attitude, issue was, they could barely make it through the exercises I had laid out, basic circle, figure 8, keyhole, told them they needed to step it up and get with the program or they were going to have issues on their own bikes. Yea, what do I know, I'm only the idiot teaching the class, they were the lords gift to the motorcycling world. It only took one of them a week to wreck his bike, all his fault, and it took the other a month, again, all his fault.
I had a student come to me in tears after their first day on the BRC range when they realized they were afraid of the HD Road Glide they bought BEFORE they had a license and knew how to ride. ...and now they had payments on a display piece... I told him to go buy a much smaller used bike and get some experience... they they could take their show-piece out on the road.
Here in Quebec ( the land of bureaucracy ) they do things differently but basically paying 1000.00 Can for insurance , plates , & medicare , all wrapped up between 2 different accounts . But you need both to legally ride .