Insurance in Ontario, Canada

Bad experiences while riding through Brampton?
Bad experiences while riding through Brampton?
Myself and many others, the way people drive in that area is unbelievable, i will do my best to take the highways all around it as opposed to drive right through it, and they wonder why they have the highest rates out of anywhere
Myself and many others, the way people drive in that area is unbelievable, i will do my best to take the highways all around it as opposed to drive right through it, and they wonder why they have the highest rates out of anywhere
I got a very close encounter there when a semi ran a redlight and almost flattened me...
trucks, cars, bikes, doesn't seem to matter there, if they want the space your in, they are taking it whether you like it or not
I am with TD in Oakville and have been for 5 years. Comprehensive coverage is just over $1k. I have house and other car with them as well. I just renewed in the fall and no real change. I was expecting worse.
Looked at TD for my R3GT. They didn't have it in their system and didn't seem interested in doing the work to "send it to the underwriters" for a quote.

I have used Rider's Plus, TD, Primmum, Echelon, Mantha, Kingsway and for past few years with Cooperators. There was a transition within Cooperators, the company I was with (Coseco via HB Group) was consolidated and I wasn't sure if they were going to continue to offer MC insurance. In the end, they were by FAR the least expensive. It should be noted that I, like many on here, have my home, auto, motorcycle insurance with one company.

It still may not be true, but they were very cautious about taking on motorcyclist who didn't have significant riding experience (aka good insurance history). They also insure my wife's 2019 HD FLHC.

As a note, I would suggest you keep a record of your motorcycle insurance companies. It really helps to show them your history of coverage.

Good luck...
Thanks a bunch!
To all riders in Ontario, Canada (yes, I know, to the handful )
what insurance companies are you guys with?
i've been getting quotes all over the place... some expensive, some crazy expensive!

Do you know of any insurance company who would insure a new comer? Would they accept UK no claim bonus confirmation? I'm determined to get another R3 ASAP since I can't bring my current with me but those quotes of over £4000 I have read about make me think if it's worth it. Maybe I should wait couple of years an build up Canadian no claim bonus? What do you think?
I would offer to get a letter known as a "Continuance of Coverage" for all your vehicles to show that you have been insured in the past. This may help you out as you don't have any "Canadian" insurance history and they may accept it from a UK insurer.