You know that your on my chit list for giving the music thread here called "Good Music & Fine Women only 2 out of 5 stars, 1olbull. Just because you're an old(er) fogey doesn'y mean that you should messin' up our stroke over there!
In fact, the thread was started by Captain Herman (TURBO200R4) as a reference source for music that folks here can download and enjoy, if and when they want t, including when they're out riding. I invite anyone to participate on that thread and post up music that
they like and feel that others might enjoy, as well. Just remember that the video must not only contain music, but also some images of members from the fairer gender ("fine women"). From time to time we stray into some "fringe" selections, but for the most part there are a lot of good tunes to listen to.
Check it out...