
Haters gotta' hate, but I haven't seen any on these sorta' threads recently, not counting the uber-defensive folks that can't accept certain information about the other side of the coin.
I appreciate you guys. I get a good laugh at some of your comments. To be honest, I went darkside initially because I had some close calls with people stopping in front of me unexpectedly and the rear would lock up with the slightest touch. Made me especially nervous in the rain. The car tire gives me more confidence and grip on quick breaking. I traded a little handling in hard corners for stopping confidence.
Could not have said it better myself.

No, Elvis.
To my recollection, you have stated car tires are as good if not better than MC tires!
Don't back stroke on us now, boy!

Great song by John Cafferty. My fav is below:
@TriumPhil will like this one - as it has T&A
Think "hates" a bit harsh. There as those that do run C/Tyres .. those that don't and won't but i can't ever remember conversation getting anywhere near "hatred".
I love my car tire , couldnt give a **** what other people run , put a donut on there for all i care