Installed the triumph teardrop mirrors

Not at all. The quality is excellent.

Amazon link claims they are made from 6061...and 3 lines down, from 7075, not that it matters either way. Love China

Can't speak to the ones off amazon, but the levers from newr3 that look nearly identical I have. Solid feeling, smooth pivots durable non-fading anodizing, clickers work a treat and stay put. They range from slightly longer reach than stock grip to significantly closer in the various positions. I would put them nearly on par with AGV or Pazzo.
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Thats good to hear! Now.. how the hek can I get a pair. I hate how I have to choose between and and they NEVER have the same thing available. Only the short levers.

if you would like I can order them and ship to you and you can paypal me once they are received...let me know
I got the mirror adapters from Newbonneville (work great) and picked up a set of Kuryakyn Magnums instead for my R3T. Big chrome mirrors, look just right on her and massive field of view. No issues with vibration at all.

Those look really nice. Love to see a pic of them on a Rocket...hint...hint
Those look really nice. Love to see a pic of them on a Rocket...hint...hint

Sorry I haven't got around to it.

They look small but I was amazed on how much rear viewing is available. I figured I'd buy them and install them because I really liked the look even thought they are small. Turns out I have best of both worlds.

There is a lot of flexibility of mounting with these mirrors. They can be mounted with the mirror below the handle bars, on top, flat side out, flat side in, etc.... The mirrors come with all different types of mounting hardware. I thought I was going to loose my throttle lock but was able to keep it.

I only speak for the Rizoma Reverse Retro mirrors ..... don't know much about the others. Rizoma is a quality product not Chinese type junk.

Universal Mirrors by Rizoma Bikes Accessories -
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