Installed Dain exhaust - wow!

i must be missing something here...standard header set up ,restrictive, to say the least, 'since it's so powerful' ???? serious bump in Hp ???? loss of weight from standard, yip, i get that... wow wow wow...WTF ????, not raining on your parade but seriously ??? what was your last ride ? a postie bike ?
That was my first ceramic coated pipe. I think it turned out nice as hell lol. I'm sure I will be doing more of those. I also have come up with a conversion kit so the guy's with the Classics can either have the Megaphone pipe or the Roadster set-up.

slick rick i thinks the same
You still digging the Dain exhaust Jim? Any issues? Thx. Russ
Ha, durn spell chk. I wrote Jid and it changed it to Jim. So, Jid, still diggin' the Dain exhaust?
I don't know how much sense it makes to ask for "a listen" on the internet. There are things in this world that just don't record well, such as rattlesnake rattles, gun shots, a real concert, to name a few.

I suggest you need to find someone who has it, and go listen in person.

Of course, I didn't do that, taking a chance, and I've recorded that elsewhere. It was too loud as first installed, and when I added the three-into-one header by @Paul Bryant , that dialed back the sound to something that works for me.

To each their own, in their own time.