Info on future cat bypass

tune ecu is is the way to go

but for some of us that are leary of of changing things in our ecu the gi pro is easier as we are not in the bikes brain changing things ,that is the only difference gipro is plug on play and you can turn it off when needed, tune ecu you are changing things some of us are are a little afraid to do or not that knowable about its a learning curve and gipro is the first none intrusive step ,IE, your not changing anything from the factory settings other than tricking the bike into thinking its in fourth gear all the time by advancing the timing that the factory retards so that it is detuned for the general public

if your comfortable with tuneecu and can advance timing in the first three gears with it and dont want a gear indicator than by all means go for it ,but for no muss no fuss gipro is the way o go .
Here we go ......... again. Plug and play or fiddle with the bike's tuning. Which are you more comfortable with? Do that.

Makes sense. I've never really read into any GiPro threads on here, so was just curious what it does. Thanks for the info.
well i have D&D slip-on installed on it and there is a cat under the bike i would love to get rid of.
On bikes with the catalytic converters in the pipes, the box under the bike is just a resonator or Pre-muffler. Even though it doesn't contain a catalyst it still restricts smooth exhaust flow due to pipes opening up inside with baffles.