Individuel Ramair question

The purpose of the AIT (air intake temp sensor) is to determine the temperature of the air which is entering the filters so it is vital that it is mounted as close to the filters as possible so the bike stays in tune....makes sense dosnt it?....I covered the sensor tip with a small filter which you can buy at supercheap or a similar place, I then cable tied it between the 2nd and 3rd filter. done....easy...
Thanks for the pics and replies guys, mine has the mini filter but just appears to be slung under the tank, will reposition it next time I'm in the garage.
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Thanks for the pics and replies guys, mine has the mini filter but just appears to be slung under the tank, will reposition it next time I'm in the garage.

It will make a difference as the air under the tank is hotter due to heat coming off the can in fact alter the tune making the motor play silly, putting it close to the air filters, be it ramair or k&n, will be the right place.
does fitting the ramair or k&n intake systems require a new mapping or some other electronic tuning mod? and if it does and i acquire the electronic tuning mod data from somelplace can almost any motorcycle mech shop be able to upload it, or will he need special R3 equipment to upload it?

also it looks like some of the bikes with these setups have a special fairing designed for the ramair or k&n intake systems, where does that come from?

thanks for your thoughts!

Not in and of itself....for if you haven't opened up the exhaust, there's not going to be enough extra air going in to exceed the capabilities of the ECU's tune in keeping up. But, there is enough to make a nicer riding experience, and putting the AIT in a spot the reflects reality, also makes a difference. To the extent that Rockets are already quite lean, some tune tweaking is always good even when in fairly stock shape.
rocketjohn, stock ECU's tune, right?

and what i THINK you are saying is neither ramair of k&n systems will add much power/performance, right?

and either of these would void the warranty, right? so wait till after the two year warranty, right?
rocketjohn, stock ECU's tune, right?

and what i THINK you are saying is neither ramair of k&n systems will add much power/performance, right?

and either of these would void the warranty, right? so wait till after the two year warranty, right?

Yes, stock tune. It has enough latitude for minor modifications, but still can benefit from tweaking. But no, you will not void your warranty by law by making modifications. Unless, you have a failure and they can prove your modification caused the failure. A new seat will not caused the engine to toss a rod. A new air filter won't cause the paint to peel....and so on.

And yes, the filter mods will make the bike a little smoother, a little better subtle ways, but nothing earth shattering. It's one piece in a puzzle....for real changes you need all the pieces. And the more power you want the more money you will need, but you have to start somewhere right?
hey great for the help!

what's the pro/cons/expectations of the ramair vs. k&n system?

will either of them hep lower the heat coming off the exhaust side of the engine, my R3 feels really hot, but i am a newbie to the R3 so maybe that's just the way all R3's will be regardless of the mod.

will either help out my low idle speed? my R3's idle hangs out around 900rpm and the bike has a fairly high amount of "shake/vibration" to it

thanks again for your help!

900rpm is about right... and if the ISCV is in good state of adjustment, that's the speed it's going to hunt for. The K&N filter that goes in the stock airbox will do nothing but filter air. It's handy to have because you can clean it and put it back in. A K&N pod system, where there's a pod over each individual throttle body has the greatest potential to suck more air, but you need an exhaust system can blow it back out to realize the biggest benefits. Anything you do air filter wise will only cure factory limitations of the stock air intake tract. It's pretty restrictive so all the options that put the filter(s) on the throttle bodies will make a smoother snappier engine. But that's power the factory could have given us if they hadn't put that under seat filter box in our bikes! You are not creating power, just liberating the power that is already there. Now you get a fancy exhaust and a suitable tune, you can get lots more power.
gottcha, thanks!

i found a link where i could buy the ramair system from the aussies, do you have a link for where i can get a K&N pod system?

you're a BIG help!