
Test rode a Cheiftain back in Sept. and liked it a lot.
The electric windscreen is a great feature and the fairing looks good.
Strong engine and steering was smooth in corners. The tranny seemed notchy like the Vics but no deal breaker. The dealer is close about 45 miles from me. Since it's the first year, I'm going to see how they work out and look later for used. I like the XCTs and their variations too. Not so keen on the Vision.
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Heck, I would love to have a new Indian and an old Indian, a new Harley, a K1600 beemer, my old R90S back, a Gunbus 410......................ah **** it. Just give me one of everything! If I ever hit the Lotto that is just about what is going to happen too
my pops had i believe one of the 2000, or 2001s.. some of the purdiest bikes ive seen.. but pure junk... I think it had more miles on the back of a tow truck than it actually had on the road.. I rode that thing and was scared for my life.. or anyone following as I could swear something was going to raddle itself off.. like the engine..

that being said.. I still wouldnt mind one as a around town bar hopper to look cool on..
Looking forward to seeing the new lineup at the Cycle Show in New York next Friday, 13 December.

Anybody else going?
You will never know until you move in close and caress the seat and the headlights a little bit!!

I tried that in my younger years I caressed the seat and the headlight of a beautiful Indian I also inserted my key in the ignition, full of expectation I pressed on the start button the one in the middle but the engine never started I just could not believe that such a great indian with hardly any mileage would not start I even sprayed some fluid in the intake tract , no difference to this day I remain skeptical of Indians
YEP right on just another boring air cooled V twin gussied up HD copy cat