
Hey Watcher,
Let me know when you go. When you punch the Salesmen after he tells you what he's about to give you for your Rocket, I may need to bail you out.

And that's way I will keep the rocket lol dont need to go to jail for murder and you can never have to many bikes just there is never enough gaurgae space
Welcome from Florida

I have a R3R, a Vic XCT & 3 other bikes but that new Indian is on my bucket list. Looks to me like they did things right with this one.

You must be related to Mexican.
My Daughter lives in Floral City. When you get in town we can go for a ride.
I may get flamed for this, the new Indians look good but I think Kawasaki's rear end for this look was better. The new bikes fender molds into the side panel and I'm not a fan. The Drifter's rear fender and seat set up just looked better to me.
If I were to add a bike to my stable I would take a very serious look at the Chieftain. I like it.
Yeah, if I had not had an America and saw this new Chieftain, I might have jumped on it. But I really like my R3T.
Yeah, if I had not had an America and saw this new Chieftain, I might have jumped on it. But I really like my R3T.

****it man, can't you see we are trying very hard to get a thread drift going here, and you just bring it right back to where it belongs. How are we supposed to drift if people keep doing that!?!?!?!
