Hey Watcher,
Let me know when you go. When you punch the Salesmen after he tells you what he's about to give you for your Rocket, I may need to bail you out.
And that's way I will keep the rocket lol dont need to go to jail for murder and you can never have to many bikes just there is never enough gaurgae space
I may get flamed for this, the new Indians look good but I think Kawasaki's rear end for this look was better. The new bikes fender molds into the side panel and I'm not a fan. The Drifter's rear fender and seat set up just looked better to me.
****it man, can't you see we are trying very hard to get a thread drift going here, and you just bring it right back to where it belongs. How are we supposed to drift if people keep doing that!?!?!?!