Truthful, and moving. Thanks for sharing PM.
But at the same time (I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade), riders of bikes can be just as rude to cagers. We all have to learn that not all times on the road will be carefree.
Mistakes are made, honest mistakes. I myself do it more often than I'm comfortable with, finding myself not obeying the traffic signs properly & sometimes frightening other drivers who think I'm going to pull out in front of them. Sometimes in a rush to keep a schedule. I make lots of driving mistakes when in the cage.
Most often, I throw my hands up in "surrender" mode to let the other driver know that I am aware of my error & deserve the crude look and maybe even a "nice" word or two.
I do, however, believe I treat bikers with more courtecy than those with 4 wheels. It really should not be that way. Everyone should be treated fairly while driving, even when "they" are the driver in error.
My apologies to all who are on the road the same time I am. I'm not always cautious & alert, and I pray that I don't hurt someone some day.
See ya.