I'm going darkside tomorrow

In your situation Mitch, I'd be looking at the Bridgstone. Or an Avon. But that's me. Just make sure you're sure.
Yeah i have alot of pondering to do
some say avon some say metz some darkside and everyone swears by the tire they use its a tough decision
If you know someone who has a car tyre on you should maybe see if you can try it. I'd certainly be riding Hanso's (might even ask his permission ) before I decided to put one on my bike. You're right though, I'm lovin' mine just the way it is.
If you know someone who has a car tyre on you should maybe see if you can try it. I'd certainly be riding Hanso's (might even ask his permission ) before I decided to put one on my bike. You're right though, I'm lovin' mine just the way it is.
Yeah i have no problem with the way the metz handles or anything im happy with it in that respect i just get sick of paying $385 every 5000-6000k
Sorry guys.... I just couldn't hang in there with the DS tire.

New set of Metz sitting here beside me. I will wait a tad bit longer until the front tire gets wore down some more and I will install new Metz front and back. Short story... Im a little fellow compared to most DS riders, dropped my bike as a result of DS tire, lost the easy turning feel of the bike with the DS in which I had with the Metz, tire rub through the mud guard wiring cover but didn't rub all the way through to the copper wire, counter steer is hell! Tired of struggling with the bike. Tried all different tire psi in back tire as well as front and never got it where I was happy with it. DS works good with some people but doesn't work good with me. Not trying to flame the DS tire just stating the facts. I dislike paying that kind of money for Metz, but **** I like to enjoy riding my bike not struggle with it. PEACE!

Just went to the darkside last Thursday so far so good, I like the way it rides. I put on a Goodyear triple thread 205/60R/16 and a new cobra on the front with dyna beads in both.
If you don't mind me asking what size and breed of dark side are you running, the fact you say you are only a little fella puzzles me I thought mine only rub on the wires due to the fact that the 245/55/16 Toyo I'm running is a larger tyre then the 245/50/16 that most run and it only did it when I had the rear suspenion set a bit soft.
How did it cause you to drop the bike
not trying to start a debate just asking out curiousity
Thanks for your frank assessment mully. I'm no heavy weight myself and I think you've experienced exactly what I'd be concerned about; losing that 'easy' feeling. It's hard enough initially with the 240 MT and now that I'm used to it and love it I'd hate to bugger that up. Good on you for saying it wasn't for you. Fair enough too.
The 225/55 could solve your problems with handling and clearance, While wide does look mean a narrower tire handles better and doesn't rub.