I'm going darkside tomorrow

Hanso, it looks like you're moving away from the Toyo Proxe 4's. Did something sour you on them, or are they just expensive?

How do they ride?
nah I never used the Proxes4, I didn't like the lower grip rating on the proxes 4 also the Poxes 4 has a centre rib which has been found on some tyres to cause the following of road grooves, I have been using the Proxes T1R and like the Proxes T1R but they don't come in 245/50/16 only 245/55/16 and with out extended shocks it hit the underguard wiring, might be getting the Fornales extended later on then I'll go back to the 245/55/16 Proxes T1R also the Federal 595 looks like a good tyre and don't have a centre rib

Also Mitch I have never had a problem with my tyre guy because he also fitts bike tyres and rides himself but says I crazy... Geezzz..... I thought everybody already knew that!!! he charged me $200 including fitting cos he say that fat arse wheel is ***** to change tyres on!!! he he make sur whoever you get to do it has the right machine or the adapters like mine has!
The Riken Raptor is on the back...

on the way home from the install, I decided to see how it handled at high speed. At around 120 it started wobbling to the point that I didn't want to continue the "test". Have any of the other darksiders experienced the same thing? Any ideas on that the problem might be?
Was the tire static or dynamic balanced?
You can get away with static balancing narrow tires but when they get as wide as car tires they need dynamic balancing.
1/ has it been balanced correctly
2/ tyre pressure, how much psi compared to your weight
3/ what condition is your front tyre
It should not cause a wobble was it the whole bike or just the rear, I asume you are talking mph, have you got a touring screen on and if so have you ever had it at 120 with the screen before you changed
My bike used to get a wobble at around the same speeds (180/190klmph) with both the std Metz and the Darkside tyre and found it was cause by the Metz front trye since going to the Shinko 757 on the front I have had it up to 210klmph (130.5 mph) without a wiggle let alone a wobble hope this helps
Hmmm can't bring myself to do it going with another Metz
DON"T do It, don't go back to a metz you know they are crap get a Avon or a bridgestone if you reaaly want to stay with a bike tyre I had trouble keeping the rear in check in the twisties before I unleashed the 30 odd HP that I have, I can't imagine what it would be like now
i would powersliding all the time the Darkside tyre just grips so much better.

Thats the first one I have heard off getting a wobble hey!!!! we don't even know what tyre pressure he was running and you should alow yurself a few miles to get used to the slight extra counter steer but once you have set the right pressure you will not get a wobble like he desribed unless something else is drasticaly wrong if anything the stabillity improves with speed
Its ok mate i havent put one on
i just went to the dealer that i get my tyres from and he refuses to fit a darkside tyre so i just need to find somewhere that will fit it for me
In your situation Mitch, I'd be looking at the Bridgstone. Or an Avon. But that's me. Just make sure you're sure.