I'm considering buying a Triumph America

Yes, I do believe it to be an extremely beautiful machine. The owner and his lovely lady drove over to spend the afternoon with us today. One thing about riding bikes is the great people one meets along the way. She rides a Dyna Low Rider and in her 50s looks like she stepped out of a Cosmopolitan magazine. What a sweetheart. They are heading to California for a short visit and will ride over when they return so I can take the America out for a bit.
And no, I hate sitting in traffic which is why I avoid big cities like the plague. I've always wanted to ride SW England, up into Wales, and on into the Midlands, up to Northumberland and then into Scotland. I bought the BMW to do it but, well, I'm thinking the America would be a better choice.

On which bike to ride, I've always had multiple bikes, up to seven at one time, so just kind of rotate through them. Living in Virginia we had a much longer riding year than in western Washington though so keeping 3- 4 bikes going is a bit more of a challenge. I HATE cold, wet winters at as one ages, riding in bad weather becomes much more of a challenge.

Well I'd love to have a dyno but of course that's not in the cards. Claviger is a friend though who will always give me a hand if I need it.

And I just found a pic of my daughter's Speedmaster in Navarre FL in 2008. From left to right, that's me (the fat man) Gr3ywolf and Scot in Exile a few days before I rode my 07 Classic from Florida to Washington.

And another pic when I had it out a few days previously.
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