I'm back

Flip it has been too long since we rode together ,glad you kicked the big C and hope to see you again.

One never knows. Not sure I could ride cross country anymore. Not even sure I can hold up the R3 at this point. I'm working hard to get my strength back, I walk my dog a mile in the morning and a half mile at night, eat right, what I can eat that is. My diet is pretty restricted right now because my liver was severely compromised so I have to wait for it to regenerate. I'm missing a big part of it along with some other stuff. Least I'm alive.

Thank you for the thoughts. Yeas, life is full of bumps and just when you think the road is smooth you hit a huge pothole....
Reactions: Tal

That is how mine was found, during a CT for something else. It is what we call a serendipitous finding in the medical field. With me it was off to the races right away also, chemo and targeted therapy that attacked just the cancer cells while the general chemo killed everything. So far I have been clear for 3 years, another 2 and they say I can probably be considered cancer free, at least that particular cancer. I guess there is always a chance for something else, it is what it is. It does give you a new perspective on life though. Between my cancer and our son suddenly passing away last November my wife and I look at things a lot differently than we used to.

Very True...just recovering from 4 weeks on my back with a virus...at least im halfway good now. Havnt been on my scooter for a few weeks tho so must get out soon....i'm 70 soon going on 30!!