I can't imagine how many out there have disregarded the recommendation that they go PCIII rather than start dabbling in electronic brain surgery. I know some see the "FREE" attached to the words "tune" and "power", and just decide right then and there that tinkering with the ECM is way to go. When it was just Tune-Boy and the $500 price tag, novices would think twice before plunking down the cash to root around their bikes programming. Now when the only cost involved is a $15 cable interface from China, more without the background in diagnostics and tuning elect to go the "least money" route. Trouble is, this way can seriously bugger up the works if you don't know what's going on in there. Tripp, I have a sinking feeling that from now on, you will be bombarded with "Ok, I did what you said ... but ...."
I don't want to be the bad guy, but someone needs to say it ... Pandora's box is OPEN for business with your house as the mailing address. I know you want to help, we all do, but the power to change ECM software should be left to those who have experience. A laptop, ECM hacking software and a cable do not a tech make.
Speed cost $$$, you know that, I know that. If someone hasn't spent the $ in education, time, blood, sweat and greasy nails ... they need to spend it for equipment and support that's "Plug N Play" with tech support. Tripp I have a feeling you will be answering "what do I do now" questions till the cows come home. May I suggest you post your knowledge, and expertise as guides to look back on? A kind of "how I did it" sort of thing?
If Power Commander had their ducks in a row with the PCV for '10's and newer I'd suggest you point novice mechanics that direction. "09's and later owners who don't have experience should go there and not look back. I myself have the background to perform the "brain surgery", but am too lazy to tweak and tinker or spend the time necessary to make things just right with an ECM hack. Tossing in a PCIII to have a full time mechanic with a dyno set up the fuel/air was too easy to pass up for me. And even though I can now tweak numbers on the fuel table for nothing, doesn't' mean I should. Know what I mean Vern?
So you guys with R3's and little to no experience in tuning, remember this ... Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.