Like the idea of leaving it turned on in the tune and using an eliminator in the connector and plugging the hole. But my internet searches have not revealed an 02 eliminator that is compatible with my bike. Would be easier to remove it, plug the hole (or vent the crankcase gases there) and then it off in the tune. Would still have an open electrical connection. I've only used the tuneecu Android app once to reflash the ecm, don't remember seeing a place to shut off the 02 sensor? Thought my next upgrade would be shocks, but maybe I should put those off and go with the pcv, I think I might need more fine tuning anyway. The idea of replacing it with a wideband sensor and continuing to use it sounds good also. Thanks for the replies.
makes sense to me..If you run auto tune its a must to leave in there otherwise the autotune can't be doing the right thing can needs the 02 sensor so it can adjust the tune correctly.
Very much yes. From my place to the coast - I go from 780m to over 1000m and down to as near as dammit to 0m - That's getting on for a 12% variation on O2 density.
I have mine removed and the hole plugged. I have PCV and dyno tune. The Tune via the PCV dosnt need the 02 sensor.
I like Warp's idea of routing the crankcase breather thru that hole where the sensor was...the exhaust gases going past will create a suck pulling fumes out of the crankcase as it goes...nice!.