Identifying this please


Oct 10, 2023
Nottingham UK
Triumph America 865efi and a Rocket 3
I have a flashing light that is mounted just under bars, a pod thing and they both connect to a unit under left panel which has INFORAD on it, the light flashes green, it sometimes goes solid green, last week it went red for the first time, then back to flashing green. Anyone have a clue to what it is, photos attached.
It appears I have a GPS speed camera unit on it, Ive contacted manufacturers to get info
not part of the motorcycle, looks like big oil spy camera trying to hick your insurance rates for Bidens economic recovery. Wire cutters are the solution. remove all farkles. enjoy a ride with no BS.
Yeah its a GPS speed camera alert, made by a company in Shannon Ireland, its in bin now, snip snip, lucky for me Biden doesn't influence the UK insurance companies, we have our own cockwombles
Yeah its a GPS speed camera alert, made by a company in Shannon Ireland, its in bin now, snip snip, lucky for me Biden doesn't influence the UK insurance companies, we have our own cockwombles
I know some of that got lost in translation for me but i have to ask. WTF is a cockwombles (cock-womb-les?) (cock-wom-bles)
I know some of that got lost in translation for me but i have to ask. WTF is a cockwombles (cock-womb-les?) (cock-wom-bles)
Cockwomble can be used as a term of endearment, try it on a random stranger in a bar after drink 3...........

Real wombles The Wombles - Wikipedia
Cockwomble can be used as a term of endearment, try it on a random stranger in a bar after drink 3...........

Real wombles The Wombles - Wikipedia
Anything like a Twatwomble or is that the female version? Could I get away with calling my Mother in law Twatwomble and then try to convince her it's a term of endearment? I usually only use half the word when speaking of her. That's right a 'Womble'.