I thought I had a Classic but turns out to be A Special!

When I checked mine a while ago it came back as a special 2007, but no tribal or flames paint or footboards or heated grips, I have no idea what this meant as I always thought it was a standard
When was the silver I thought that was out around the same time, how are you doing my old friend

Hey Dave, good hearing from ya. The silver model, if memory serves, was only offered in 2005. Bobby K down in Lynchburg, VA had one.

I've been on a quest to participate in the Iron Butt Rally for the last several years. I got my selection notice this week that I'll be in the 2019 IBR. Been spending most of my time and money on the Trophy prepping for this event. The Rocket has been stripped back down to a hooligan bike for those days when you just need to feed the fool.
2004 - Silver Engine, pegs (forwardish set), single color paint
2005 - same. May have introduced the 'Specials' with tribal paint
2006 - Standard: black engine (mostly some silver were badged as 06 models), pegs, single color paint.
...........Special: a Standard with tribal decals and possibly footboards.
...........Classic: black engine, two-tone paint, footboards, different handlebar
2007 - Standard: black engine, pegs, single color paint
...........Classic: black engine, two-tone paint, footboards
...........Classic Tourer: silver engine, two-tone paint, footboards, windshield, bags
2008 - Standard: same as above
...........Touring: new frame, single headlight (a pox on who came up with that), hard bags
2009 - Roadster replaced the Standard: peg position changed
...........Touring: same
2010 - Roadster gets ABS (I think, needs confirmation)
...........Touring: same

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I think your off in 2009 as they still had Classic with two tone. Blue and aluminum silver with gold pin stripes and the phantom black standard. Roadster came out in 2010 . Other then that I think you might want to mention the specials with the ghost flames along with the tribal scheme.