I think for some purposes such as straight line acceleration and deceleration the Dark Side has an edge but the fact that in the twisties in particular it would be deficient makes sense. If it's so great why is there an entire industry built around motorcycle tires? We're willing to believe the science on everything else, the front rake geometry, weight balance and a million other intricacies but somehow when it comes to tires "the dark side of the force" somehow overrules science? What I learned from this thread (and many more like it) is that the "dark side" is an acceptable compromise to some riders. You get better straight line acceleration and deceleration and better economy on tire, that's where it ends.
No one, not even the deep believers has claimed it's better in turns, just "good enough". That's very telling. Many have also talked about it sticking in the groove of a street. That's behavior I hate in my car, definitely don't want it on my bike. Add to that the potential liability in accidents because you're using a non-approved tire and it makes it a bad deal, at least for me. I certainly wouldn't tell anyone not to do it. Your bike, your life, your choice brother. I also would never advise someone to go against tried and proven science. I get whey some guys do it and I was tempted myself, but when looking at the facts I have to go with what millions if not billions of dollars worth of research says.