I said I would never do it, but...........

Is this the same tire?

Khumo PS31
Are you sure of the size? 245 50 16 or did you typo instead of 225 50 16?
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Hummmm? I have seen people adovocate for rear CT starting at 205 cm of width all the way to 245 cm of width.
The Raptor I am rolling does 806 rpm. 225 55 16
That is pretty slow.
How much does the stock MC tire make?
How wide a tire can one fit in the rockets rear end?
How much higher can one go on the RPMs?
It looks like the will of the bike to turn is inversely proportional to the width of the tire.
What is the optimum width/aspect for the Roadster?

... Just trying to learn how to choose my rear tire.
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Hummmm? I have seen people adovocate for rear CT starting at 205 cm of width all the way to 245 cm of width.
The Raptor I am rolling does 806 rpm. 225 55 16
That is pretty slow.
How much does the stock MC tire make?

Use this calc to compare specs: Tire Size Comparison

Stock tire rolls 817 revs/mile. Yours is 1.2% less.

How wide a tire can one fit in the rockets rear end?

245 depending on the brand, some rub, some don't. I don't believe I've read of a 235 rubbing in any brand.

How much higher can one go on the RPMs?

Not sure what you're asking here.

Sine it looks like the will of the bike to turn is inversely proportional to the width of the tire?

Yes the width affects this primarily, plus the model of tire. Some are just more boxy than others. My 245 Goodyear Eagle F1 GS-D3 is about the most resistant to turn of anything I've read about. You can really feel it wanting to match the camber of the road sometimes, or feel it coming off and fully back on the pavement when maneuvering slow.

What is the optimum width/aspect for the Roadster?

The 225/55 is the closest to stock. 235/50 is also extremely close to stock, but not as common.

A lot of people really like the handling of the slightly larger Exedra Max, a 240/55. I don't think there is really any car tire that will closely match that size, because the square shoulders of the tire would rub the fender/damage wiring.
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My 245 rubbed on the stock wiring but wasn't an issue since I was up to a full tailtidy anyways. 5 in 1 core single trailer wire does the job beautifully
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That was what I was waiting to hear. While the R3R isn't the most agile machine around she's still fun enough in the corners and living in twistie country I would hate to lose that. The loss of fine control by shifting weight etc. would particularly drive me nuts. While I was tempted by the Dark Side I must say I've seen the light and yours was hands down the most informative post on the subject.
I've been wondering the same thing.
Enough to drag, if you want to. Just don't "nail it" when hung over. But then, I didn't want to do it with a mc tire either. If you can break a tire loose in a streight line, you can surely do it on a lean. Got fishy once when a kid in a truck made a left turn across me from the right hand lane. Plunk pissed me off, so I cranked it when I saw leaned into the turn. Bike went about 90%across the lane and I snaked the bars back to the right and brought her back up. Startled me and gave the cagers around a good show. Feet never came off the floor boards.
Used to ride the twisties 2 up in az. Never had any problem hanging with anyone but some sport bikes much younger than me.
I went darkside yesterday. BF Goodrich 225 55. Sofar I have no complaints, rides great.
Please give us a report in a few months with some miles on it and you. Congratulations, and wish you well.

I'm sure it will work out fine for you, and as with most things in life, the devil will be in the details.

Thanks for doing the experiment and unbiased write-up. I had been reading the incredible amount of info and testimonials on DS and was considering the same idea. Try it and if I don't like it just take it off? I was not the least motivated by the cost benefit. Just curious and somewhat baffled how so many could be convinced otherwise? It just doesn't make any sense too me.

I do love seeing everybody's ideas though, even if I don't get their reasoning, and since you did all the leg work including the great write-up I can use that time to do something to my ride that nobody else gets. Like maybe Traxxion front fork cartridges! OOOH YA! and Hagon Nitro's

Thanks again