I ride in any weather.....

No kidding. Our daughter and her husband were stuck here in Washington wben their Wed flight to Denver was cancelled.
You could call her Frosty - she looks like she belongs on top of a cake

Nice story to share, the snow will melt away, hopefully nothing gets spoilt.
I feel your pain, I went to work every day in north georgia for a year, and frequently had to scrape the ice off my seat and windshield every morning.
now let me know when you ride through a hurricane, and we can compare notes!
hurricane Isaac, the night it hit baton rouge, I left lafayette as the eye was passing over I10 in baton rouge, by the time I was in BR, I had missed the eyewall by 15 miles or so. I rode all night long to georgia, and it didn't stop raining till I hit the georgia state line.
Too funny, my barn in NY was like that with the doors shut.
I got caught not paying attention to the weather forecast in November, right before I left NY. Year before I had to have a guy plow, just to get a couple bikes from the garage to my trailer.

I've honestly never been through Georgia without getting rained on, including driving a car