I quit my job yesterday

In my expereience, many, if not most, non-comp agreements are both illegal (restraint of trade/unfair business practices) and/or unenforceable.

He sounds like a complete cock ... I only wish I was your side of the pond I could pop over and see him and explain how this **** works ... you piss off one of us you piss us all off ... the small minded twat .... get a freakin life
There's no shortage of azzholes in this world.

Stick it to him, Josey!
His wife operates an illegal bakery enterprise from their basement and its no been inspected by the health department nor is it zoned commericial (rich neighborhood) and he has been working several trades in several states without being licensed to do so at the company I worked at for him. The only licensed individual he had on staff was me, now I'm gone and little Richie Rich is throwing a tantrum. I am awaiting contact from his attorney before I lower my boom upon him.

Old saying in Kentucky, Don't step in something you can't wipe off. That would be me and my business. I know too much about his shenanigans and shady deals. Hope he reconsiders but then again, I'm always up for a good ass whoopin delivery. Let he amongst you that is without sin chunk that first rock home boy.
"when you reach the end of the road to revenge be certain to dig two graves" .. let your dickhead ex-boss find this out for himself . Let him threaten all he wants .. ignore the prick and get on with your plans mate.
"when you reach the end of the road to revenge be certain to dig two graves" .. let your dickhead ex-boss find this out for himself . Let him threaten all he wants .. ignore the prick and get on with your plans mate.

Thanks for that TC. I shall take the high road as you suggest. Rock on.
I hope for his sake he doesn't call you out Glen. Life is to short for bull$hit. Buuuuut, if he does, I'm sure he will regret it. Once the gloves come off they stay off
Can i record it and upload it to youtube??