I need help, I really am starting to hate my new Rocket GT

here is the double windshield lower and small upper (there is also a larger taller upper windshield but the smaller upper mounted is just right for me
The picture did not show up on my screen.
Everyone needs at least two bikes. One to move the body and one to move the soul. If touring’s your thing, get a touring bike and have your Rocket just because it’s a Rocket.
Like a wife and a girlfriend. One moves your body and soul and the other your bank account and possibly 7K a month for life.
with all due respect if you did your research on what was available for the bike and test rode it first before buying it you wouldn’t have this problem. there are plenty of fully dressed touring bikes on the market.
i really hope you find a solution so u can enjoy it
absolutely agree. its like buying a goldwing and complaining that it’s not a jetski . researching a bike and what is available for it and actually test riding it is far easier than buying it and forcing it to be something else lol. plenty of touring bikes on the market. And as for comfort well ive never been on the gt but i did 380ks on my R yesterday and it’s the most comfortable thing i have ever ridden lol. Screens and fork deflection may as well add two more wheels and some doors
Please show us a picture brother.
trying to post pictures of the shield on my bike frustrated is understament . go to powerbronze you'll get picture of the shield
I guess all asses are not the same. The stock seat for me is the most comfortable one I have sat on. Way more comfortable than my 15 Touring. In fact just last weekend we did 1100 miles in 24 hours. I for sure had aches and pains but my tookus did ok. Just under 40,000 miles on the GT now and the seat is still comfy for me. Also I like the large Powerbronze windshield.
There seem to be many perspectives and opinions on what the new R3 offers - or should offer - in terms of comfort. I think Triumph said they aimed for a roadster more than anything else, so touring comfort was probably never a priority.

Even so, it puzzles me why Triumph haven't made a real effort when it comes to accessories. While the new R3 attracts riders for its motor, looks & handling, many of them still require better weather protection. So Triumph would make a profit by offering e.g. some bigger windshields, fork deflectors and a rear mudguard. And they would get happier customers. Shouldn't be that hard to accomplish.