I need help, I really am starting to hate my new Rocket GT

CASCI on eBay has a functional windshield for under $250.
just road from Colorado to Florida without a problem

Pretty much what I was going to say. If a Rocket is so wrong then clearly it’s the wrong bike. There’s plenty of options out there with horrible ugly big screens, enormous panniers and mid mounted pegs and maybe that‘s what the OP should have bought. All I’m seeing is akin to complaining they’re no good off road either. They are what they are and that’s pretty much what the vast majority of owners want.
It really boils down to what a man calls a touring machine. The older model has a "Touring" bike but when I look at it I still do not think it is a tourer for me. I guess i think of the fu;; fairing bikes with all the bags and tour pack with luggage rack and lowers. Most guys on these bike have music and sat nav with all kinds of bike information to display at the push of a button.

I think some guys just want that big motor and they buy for that realizing that it takes more than that to please them. I do hope the OP does find solutions to his issues.
i can see you are in the US but there are a few touring screens in the UK from aftermarket makers. i would be sure you guys would have some too?

I have improved on all three issues to my satisfaction. I find the MADSTAD brackets with GP Compozit windshield allows me to ride with an open face at highway speeds. Adjusts to different positions as well and I think it looks good. I have the Rox Risers installed since this pic. I have installed a gel seat under a black sheep skin and added passenger luggage that acts like the back of a lounge chair when riding. Even an adjustable lumbar pad stolen from a lounge chair. I have moved the controls to mid range so I can ride it like a dirt or sport bike at will, and jerry-rigged up highway pegs from the control conversion kit bits. I find them positioned just right. Do not give up I'm planning a long moto-camping trip next summer. (I added an integrated dashcam (with rear camera) and some projector HIDs as well).


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I've posted this one before. The one on the right is the OEM, the one on the left is the taller one that comes from Madstad and the center is the GP Compozit. The Madstad screen looks like it would provide a lot of protection but I thought it was a bit too generic looking. The GP Compozit came with some mounts but they were non-adjustable wedges and may not have interrupted the airflow enough. (TBH, I did not try the GP mounts as I had the Madstad's which are high quality metal mounts and adjustable.)


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I am sure that does fix your issues and I really like the way you made the forward pegs. I will restate my opinion that if a bike needs this much modification it means it really was not set up real touring. These bikes are sport cruisers to me.
I am sure that does fix your issues and I really like the way you made the forward pegs. I will restate my opinion that if a bike needs this much modification it means it really was not set up real touring. These bikes are sport cruisers to me.
I might add touring if it's a day or two and in the area of 500 to 800 miles. Anything over that the wind, sitting stance, legs stuck forward or back in one position and limited space for luggage for longer trips is a draw back. One could go long distance and be fine but no where near the luxury of a bonified touring bike. If we were all 24 again it would qualify as a great touring bike.
I can’t specifically help since I’ve never even seen one of these new Rockets in person, I can however tell you that with my 2008 touring, my biggest complaint about it was that it was not an actual touring motorcycle and the parts were very hard to find for it, so we share that.
I rode it across several states and it was adequate, I then went to a roadster for a couple years, I also rode it across several states, again it was fine but just not that comfortable of a motorcycle for my old bones, I went to the full touring Indian and absolutely loved it, after five years on an Indian I did the unthinkable stupid thing and traded it for a 2021 Harley Road Glide which like you I’ve tried to like, but I just find it boring, I rode it from Ca to Texas a few months ago, it was fine but nowhere in the same class as the Indian, As soon as I get a chance the Harley will be gone and I will be back on an Indian,

I hope you get your problems sorted
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