I know I'm a sign nut.

you can always tell when an OSHA person shows up because they are the ones that know absolutely nothing about your business.
osha rules were 40psi max air pressure and it takes 100 to 150 psi to air check a transmission
normal pressures r 60 to 125 and 250 in reverse
in fail safe 250-350
and if regulator is stuck it will explode cast iron drums and break aluminum pistons
i was checking a car with high pressure and a 300 pound gauge and when the transmission malfunctioned it peg the gauge and the hose swelled up in my hand
I have some AAA batteries and the instructions say to wear ANSI approved goggles when changing them.

My theory is that most warning should be removed. If you need to be told not to use a hair dryer in the shower then you shouldn't be passing on your genetic information.