I have a confession to make.

I sold one Of my favorite bikes years ago for an (upgrade) and have regretted it ever since. I can tell you how much you’d miss her. I had a doe try to hitch a ride to work with me last Tuesday and it didn’t turn out well . Now my beloved Rocket is awaiting surgery and I miss it dearly. Not sure I could get my leg up on the peg yet anyway but just not seeing it in the garage is bad enough
Speaking of Doe. I was cruising down a road to work, inside the city mind you, and I look up...**** doe just going at it on the grass about 2 feet off the road. That's one moment I'm glad for my stupid bright headlights, she was completely stuck in them and didn't move an inch.
I've had plenty of close calls with deer over the years and nailed a few with cars, but this is the first time I've killed one with a bike.This was on a rural highway but yes, have seen many in town too.
WE are just a little luckier here in the UK with the Deer problem - they have started culling them due to ecological problems. I hit a deer a couple of years ago in my van. While travelling on a dual carriageway at approx. 70mph it leapt from side of the road. I hit it with the off side front of van. This smashed the front quarter, shifted radiator, fuel pump, etc backwards and wrote the van off. The deer was launched over the central barrier and onto the nearside lane of the opposing carriageway. It landed just in front of an elderly gentleman (78years young) travelling to a bike meet on his 1965 BMW R60. He hit the deer, pulled a huge 'wheelie', stayed upright and survived. Unfortunately, the whole front fairing was smashed and hanging off in bits and pieces. I'd pulled over due to the amount steam issuing forth from the engine and got out of the van rather dazed. The old boy had left his bike and run across the road to make sure I was okay! Bless him...His bike was sorted by my insurance so all was okay in the end. I would hate to have this happen on a bike. I hope you all take care and ride safe.

Twas that John doing doggie with Jane Doe?
Very eloquently put sir. they're in a league of their own