I have a confession to make.

I am so happy with this story, why? because we can all recognize a piece of ourselves in there.

Unfortunately I do not work at a single site and fly often, therefore I can not ride the old girl everyday - just at the weekends when I am free. Therefore you do question yourself about getting the use out of her.

I am so fortunate that Sharon my wife loves the bike as much as me and has stated it does not matter, she is there if we need her.

Also I can not ever see another bike filling the gap that the Rocket would leave.

I hope that you can find the funds to continue on without too much trouble Wrecka.

Enjoy the ride home and thanks for sharing
I know the feeling. I took the Rocket in to work on Monday, first ride on it in a couple of months. I do love that bike!

Almost glad it has not sold yet ....
Great post wrecka , I sometimes don't get round to looking at mine for weeks , especially during the winter months . Then the sun shines , the roads are dry and once again the love affair is rekindled ! I have owned loads of bikes but there is just something bout the Rocket that makes it a keeper . No other bike like it ! There is always the argument that you own a future classic which one day will increase in value to the point where your wife can take the credit for encouraging you to keep it !