I got plates! - resurrected wreck!

OK, but about the insurance thing,,,, what if you own more than one bike, is it that much for each ???
Basically any registered vehicle in NSW needs CTP insurance.
Even club, veteran and vintage ones!

The rocket is expensive because for bikes it’s based in ccs. , my America is about $200 for ctp.

You can get cheaper if it’s a club vehicle, as most clubs do deals with insurance companies. That will be my next trick, joining a British bike club. Not sure the Riii qualifies though.
Finally got out for a decent ride - about 250 klm....

About halfway home it all solidified in my brain . . I've been trying to describe the first ride of a Rocket iii . . . . this is what I came up with.

"She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro!" - Zapp Brannigan, Futurama.
GREAT to hear! ENJOY your new Perma-Grin