Yes, all the Vitonway... And noo ! don't get those german rings cause 2,5 thickness won't fit ! If you install those onto the pistonhousing you cannot push the housing into the TTS clutch bracket. How do I know ? I did try that before with same size O-rings I did get from a hydraulic company
And second : 42 won't fit either, dia is too small , the dias of the o-ring housing grooves are about 45,95 mm. If you are still riding with the Viton rings : STOP riding. Otherwise you will get -as you are probably familiar with that-a mass into the engine one nasty day cause of the fluid when the Oberon rings pop out again. I'm going to check the sump pan inside cause after draining the oil into a container and after it stayed for a while in there I did notice that the oil at the bottom of the container look like muddy.
Meanwhile I did order at the 'Diehr & Rabenstein' company the right sizes epdm O-rings (Tnx)