...and always brush your teeth, label your undies and wear a clean pair every day, eat your vegetables, be kind to your mother, respect your elders, grow up, be responsible, do your homework, never drink and drive, don't do drugs.....
Welcome Mate. Three words...... Advanced Riding Course.... Take your R3 along to do one of these courses if you can.... as the instructor there should be able to give you some life saving/changing advice on riding this beast...
...and always brush your teeth, label your undies and wear a clean pair every day, eat your vegetables, be kind to your mother, respect your elders, grow up, be responsible, do your homework, never drink and drive, don't do drugs.....
1st bike R3 wow...
Take her to a empty parking lot so you two can get properly introduced. Master all your slow maneuvers with her and let er rip on the highway. Welcome to the site; Enjoy and be safe.
As all have said above, welcome to the group! And as most have "implied", you certainly have picked the biggest dragon of the lot for your first pet.
Assuming that you are not yet licensed, I'm not sure what the state laws are in Nebraska for the riding portion of your license test, but if they use the "lollipop" and cones course, you will DEFINITELY NOT want to try that on your Rocket! While I can get by in a lot of slow-speed maneuvering, the lollipop course's turn radius (where you have to stay between the lines 2' apart in a circle about 20' in diameter) in my short experience is a little too small for the Rocket to handle.
If your state allows it, the better idea as many have said is to take the Motorcycle Safety Course as the test they have at the end (on their bikes) is far easier to handle, but gives you a better idea of real-world riding requirements.
Be careful at parking lot speeds, as it's easy for a newbie to drop such a heavy bike in a low speed turn. Keep her upright when going slow.
The weight disappears once you get going. The R3 is very agile for its size.
Since you are a new rider, also be aware that a common beginner mistake is to enter a corner too fast and run wide, off the road.
Not trying to scare you, just repeating the cautions.
Haha... you've caught me. I apparently assume everyone has exactly what I have and will have exactly the experience I've had, even when presented with direct and obvious information to the contrary.
Sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been busy as hell with summer school. I should have probably mentioned I took the MSF course to get my license a little more than a year ago back in good 'ol Kansas. I plan on taking the advanced MSF course as soon as I possibly can. I'm picking up the machine on the 29th of this month, already have finances and insurance in order. The dumb-ass grin hasn't left since I put the deposit down! Wanna know something funny? My riding experience consists of a Honda rebel 250 from the MSF course and my mother's 50cc moped.......... This last week has been all about the mental preparation. I picked up Sonny Barger's guide to motorcycling called Let's Ride and cleared it cover to cover twice. I've been slowing my constant adrenaline rush and trying to keep calm thoughts... My rocket experience (other than the vertically flying kind) consist of plopping my ass on one in the showroom, and a seeming interrogation of the salesman who himself has a touring model. My first stop after pick will be a large parking lot for a couple few hours of practicing spill-less smiles(knock on wood). Thanks for all your guys' great advice! I look forward to upping my post count, and keeping my coconut(s) in one piece