First of all, welcome to the site from Joisey.
Secondly, and most important: BEWARE!!! THIS BIKE WILL EAT YOU ALIVE if you don't slowly, and patiently take the time to familiarize yourself with its performance envelope and its other riding characteristics.
Let me 'splain you this another way. I purchased the beast after 44 years of riding, having owned some 15 other motorcycles and ridden many dozens of others over those years and it still took me about 4-6 weeks to feel truly comfortable, "as one" with this splendid craft.
Take your time and do it right. Practice turns and low speed maneuvers at some large,local,unused parking lot. Never ever fool yourself into believing that you lord over this monster. It will punish you for such arrogance in the blink of an eye.
My very best recommendation is that you find a Motorcycle Safety Foundation facility close to you and take their beginning and intermediate courses. The first one you should do on the bike that they will provide to you and the second one you should take on your R3. As you build proficiency absolutely take their advanced course... everything and anything that you learn in these courses could very well save your hide and very possibly your life.
Lastly, wear a full face DOT and Snell approved helmet in order to protect your coconut and, if you really want to be prudent as well as smart, get into the habit of wearing All of The Gear All of The Time (ATGATT) - dress for the fall, not for the ride!
It takes a big set of cojones to begin your riding career on a bike such as ours. Enjoy the ride, do it right and remember to think with the big head, not with the little one!