How's life with a R3?


Standard Bore
Jun 15, 2013
Hello all! It feels like a blessing just being able to post in a community like this. Fast approaching is the delivery of my first motorcycle, an '07 R3. Its got 9k miles, jardines, and a bunch of blacked out trim. Once I learned of the Rockets, I could no longer seriously consider any other bike :D I'm a member of a similar online owners club for my four wheeled vehicle, and that has been more helpful and entertaining than I ever expected.
A little about me. I used to study automotive technology and recently switched to mechanical engineering, and might be going for a masters in automotive engineering. Passionate about anything with wheel(s) and an engine. probably too young to start on a bike like this but... what the heck!
I look forward to getting the know all the great folks on here and being able to share in the awesomeness of R3 ownership


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life is very nice with an r3...

took a nice ride with my youngest son over to the beach to have breakfast in the sand... we look quite the pair on the r3r and the dl1000...
Hello all! It feels like a blessing just being able to post in a community like this. Fast approaching is the delivery of my first motorcycle, an '07 R3. Its got 9k miles, jardines, and a bunch of blacked out trim. Once I learned of the Rockets, I could no longer seriously consider any other bike :D I'm a member of a similar online owners club for my four wheeled vehicle, and that has been more helpful and entertaining than I ever expected.
A little about me. I used to study automotive technology and recently switched to mechanical engineering, and might be going for a masters in automotive engineering. Passionate about anything with wheel(s) and an engine. probably too young to start on a bike like this but... what the heck!
I look forward to getting the know all the great folks on here and being able to share in the awesomeness of R3 ownership

welcome.. if as you say is your first motorcycle be very careful about how you twist that right grip and remember it is a 800lbs monster so any nook or crannies you let the front tire into you will be huffing and puffing to get it back on terra firma
does not take much to get it over the 35 degrees of bank and that is when all you can do is to gently accompany her on her side happened to me and plenty others as well
but the power man it is like cocaine ..........addictive
Welcome to the forum and enjoy your new ride. Treat it right and it will treat you right...lose your focus and do foolish things and it will remind you immediately that you are not sitting on a normally machine. Ride safe...
Welcome to the club.
Like stated above, be very careful. The worlds biggest production bike is not your normal staring bike, take it easy at first until you get familiar with it, hope you have some riding experience of any kind.
Any questions you may have dont hesitate to ask the members here:)
Welcome to the site and to the ownership of a great bike if its your first its kind of like when your a kid and you pulled the big tv off the little talbe on your head and it hurt you learned real quick not to do that again well you dont get do overs much with these bikes be careful at first oh wait ya might not be old enough to remember the big old tv's lol
Hello all! It feels like a blessing just being able to post in a community like this. Fast approaching is the delivery of my first motorcycle, an '07 R3. Its got 9k miles, jardines, and a bunch of blacked out trim. Once I learned of the Rockets, I could no longer seriously consider any other bike :D I'm a member of a similar online owners club for my four wheeled vehicle, and that has been more helpful and entertaining than I ever expected.
A little about me. I used to study automotive technology and recently switched to mechanical engineering, and might be going for a masters in automotive engineering. Passionate about anything with wheel(s) and an engine. probably too young to start on a bike like this but... what the heck!
I look forward to getting the know all the great folks on here and being able to share in the awesomeness of R3 ownership

Prepare yourself for a 24/7 wearing of a dumb ass grin from riding your monster brute. As others have mentioned, respect the power and have fun!

Oh, and welcome from Kennewick, WA
No harm in restating the obvious here, so I'll say it too. The bike has lots of (super addictive and fun) power. It should make a hell of a noise with those pipes too!

I just smacked up my front fender when some fella in a 4 wheeled machine decided to stomp his brakes to the floor as I was glancing to merge into another lane. 1/2 second was all it took and I couldn't stop fast enough. The bike is HEAVY at 800lbs and you need to remember that while driving. You've got ABS which helps a lot and the brakes are pretty capable, but nothing can save you from poor judgment (as I learned).

I wouldn't trade my Rocket for any other bike in the world. Absolutely adore this bike, fat ass and all. There is legitimately nothing else like her.
He's getting an 07, no ABS.

Be careful at parking lot speeds, as it's easy for a newbie to drop such a heavy bike in a low speed turn. Keep her upright when going slow.
The weight disappears once you get going. The R3 is very agile for its size.

Since you are a new rider, also be aware that a common beginner mistake is to enter a corner too fast and run wide, off the road.
Not trying to scare you, just repeating the cautions.
welcome to the site
i have an 07 also and it is a great machine. have you at least taken a coarse to get your license? might want to lean forward when you turn the throttle so it don't pull your hands off the bars and remember to straighten the bike back up in the corner before stopping. some mistakes i did. please pick a good place to practice.
have a good time.