Well golly gosh if you keep this up we'll be twins...... your Junior of course and I'm the tall one!

I've lost 30 Kg (66lb) since July and gave up the grog and cut off the Rip van Winkle beard to achieve it too!
It has brought out the Chef in me though.
I've gone with no exercise, or booze, or bread and making weird unreciped soups of my own random selection with Chinese White Flower Fungus, Bamboo Fungus, ****ake mushrooms, Kelp tips , seaweeds, pineapple cut squid, dried anchovies, Chinese cabbage, Onions, Crushed peanuts, peanut oil, sesame oil, Ginger, Chili and Garlic.
Tofu, fish balls and Coconut milk optional.

One pot lasts about 4-5 days with a huge bowl each day for Lunch, and eating moderately other meals. Between soups raw washed unpeeled carrots and hommus! 3 carrots a day and a 2.2lb (1Kg) tub of hommus a week. You do not have to go hungry that is for sure.
Unlike you though bro, I still have another 30Kg to go.

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Fish have balls???
What kinda fish?
Male sharks - all species.
OK claspers to some, but I ain't ever admitting to eating fish ... s!
Youra wild man Pete