Howdy from SE Texas

raymond braswell said:
Welcome witness. I have some leather Triumph bags and want to sell them and put on the corbin beatle bags. If you are interested send me a message. Welcome to the site, lots of fun here, and plenty of the tech stuff for us gearheads.
I have just about decided on the leatherlyke bags.

Pig9r said:
Welcome Witness. Sounds like you came across a great deal. How does the Rocket rank compared to the HD and Victory?
Tough question ... I spent 20 years riding HD's. The Electraglide series (mostly what I had) handle well for a large bike. The Victory stock puts the HD to same as far as performance goes, and it handles well.

I have never cared for meeting myself coming down the road ... prefer something a little different ... when I first started riding HD's, that was pretty much true with them, before the yuppie types became all HD crazy. In 99 I tried the new Yamaha Venture ... it was a well made bike, I put 44kMiles on her ... got tired of dealing with poor service availability in our area (I do most of my own work, but the Yamaha had a 5 year warranty ... some stuff I'd have been better off just paying out of my own pocket ... shop had the bike for weeks for a voltage regulator replacement).

I have been really happy with the Victory I bought in 03 ... just have not rode the thing as much as I usually do (nothing with the bike, just other things like canceling trips because of hurricanes) ... only have 25kMiles on the TC.

So far the Rocket ... it handles well for its size ... can't beat the torque ... it is unique ... which I like ... the stock rear shocks suck ... bike like this should have some air adjustable shocks.

Looks like the Rocket will be less routine maintenance (Victory is air and oil cooled ... so a 6 qt. oil change every 2500 miles)

I like something with some "soul" ... HD had it, and still does in some ways ... but the move to motor clothes shrines for dealerships, and ever 3rd bike on the road is a HD mounted by some clueless goober who thinks a leather jacket and a credit card makes him some super biker. The Victory has it ... but they have abandoned the only semi-touring rig, and have been promising but not delivering on a true tour rig for years ... they are wooing the same crowd as HD.

I have been keeping an eye on the Rocket since the first spy photos came out ... the bike has soul ... it is the type bike that, when I do meet someone on the road with "one like it", I suspect they will be someone I have something in common with ... it is a unique scooter that is most likely to draw people who actually ride, as opposed to puttin' down to the bar to show off the latest piece of chrome or the new fender bunny.

They are all three good bikes ... just each with their on slice of the market.

Hey witness,I got the leatherlyke bags which really came it handy when I dropped it the next day at the safety class practice session.I had the engine dresser bars and the bags save from any scratches.Can't tell with those bags they are tough.They lock,keep the weather out,can hold a bunch,a 15.4 inch laptop,with rain and tire repair gear etc.Come off in 10 seconds.They reinforced the areas that plagued the earlier ones.I'm not a spokesperson but you couldn't tell huh?

Thanks ... it is great to hear from someone with first hand experience ...

I am from League City TX, south of Houston were are you. We should get together and ride some time.

Matagorda County (West of you) ... Bay City.

I do get over you way for rides and such ... use to ride with a guy out of Texas City (he has moved out of state).

I put the Leatherlyke bags on yesterday ... think I am going to like 'em.

Loved the dissertation comparing R3, Victory, and HD.

I purchase unique far more often than popular.

Even though I may act like a dork, my ride sure don't.

Our Rockets are born to be semi-customized in large part by necessity(I'll reference your rear shock comment). Maybe if the R3 takes off sales wise, we'll all be able to order a version suited to our specifications. Until that time comes, which i think never will, we are on our own,...... somewhat. But you know what, that adds to the R3's uniqueness doesn't it......
Witness, Welcome. Several Texas r3 riders have joined in on this fun. You guys should start what we are trying to do here in Kansas City and the Midwest...a riders group where we can contact each other to organize rides together. I like the red and white, very old school.

Yep ... looks like there are a few of us down here ...