How to secure the bike

A good front wheel chock is the key bike should be able to stand on it own with no straps. If I am traveling < than 300 miles I use 2 straps on the handle bars and ride on. If over 300 miles I add a strap to each rear foot peg to keep the rear from shifting. hauled mine across country several time with no problems. Watch the turn signals when strapping the front they are easy to break. Covering the bike on an open trailer causes more damage than it prevents just take the same precaution as if you were riding it and you should be fine.
There was a vendor at Thunder Beach that had some really cool tie downs. They are self-tightening, meaning anytime you hit a bump, they automatically take up the slack. They were rather pricey at $80.00, but one of my friend's BIL uses them and swears by them. Let me know if that's interests you and I'll find out the name of the company.
Make sure you check the tie downs on occasion. I trailered mine and by the 500 mile mark, they came loose. Just check to be safe.
It would be good to know the make of these straps
Just make sure you have the shocks compressed a good bit. The first time I trailered a bike I didn't compress the shocks all that much and my bike tires were inside a rail. Once I hit hit a pretty good bump and looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that the bike was slanted quite a bit. That bump had caused the bike to "spring" right out of the rail (one of the tires anyway) and it could have been disastrous but luckily I noticed it when it happened and promptly went out and compressed the springs a lot more. Remember this was back in the days before the internet (middle 80's...though I'm sure Al Gore was working on it at the time) and I didn't know anyone to ask and learned alot from that one trip.

Good luck on the trip Dave...and I would only check the straps every mile or so...less stopping that way...that way you should be able to make it for lunch on Sunday.


48 dtg Dubai
49 dtg Home for good!
I will stopping every 300yards to check the straps I should make it to Maggie Valley for breakfast Monday morning.
You will make it just fine, like the guys say, check every now and then, re tighten as needed, you can check your mirrors and you should see what the straps are doing, also when you gas up do a walk around, is not bad at all, you will see that is a piece of cake