How to match Vin number to get proper TuneEcu map?

kevin S

.040 Over
Jan 13, 2021
Grand Bay-Westfield NB
2020 Rocket GT
Trying to get a TuneEcu map for 2020 Rocket 3 GT, but for the life of me cant figuerout how to match my VIN number to the Maps!
Thank you.
It's the last 6 characters of your VIN in alphanumeric order:

AV1234 is later than AU1234 because V is later in the alphabet than U
BB1234 is later than BB1107 because 1234 is a higher number than 1107
AA0000 is later than 999999 because letter "digits" are regarded as having larger values than numeric digits
Hello Penner, and r3owners.
I have been running your tune on my 2020 Rocket R for a few years now. My question the maps are listed for stock exhaust. Is there a tune for running with an aftermarket (Vandemon) exhaust without a catalytic converter.
Thank you for everything you have done for the Triumph Rocket.
Connect Tune ECU to your bike and it will show the map number.
Much easier to go by that.
Also can I use the Tuneecu to reconect my TPMS? when it came back from the dealership it disappeared from my screen. Note; it is checked off in my setting.

thank you